
Children in hazardous work : what we know, what we need to do

Children in hazardous work : what we know, what we need to do / International Programme on the Elimination of Child Labour (IPEC). — Geneva : International Labour Office, 2011
Sumario: Part I. Why give priority to children in hazardous work? -- Part II. Knowledge and practice: What have we learned? -- Part III. How to achieve fundamental change in hazardous child work -- Conclusion: Yes, but what can I do? -- Appendix I. Countries with hazardous work lists -- Appendix II. Star tools
ISBN 978-92-2-124918-4
1. Seguridad e higiene en el trabajo . 2. Trabajo infantil . 3. Prevención de accidentes . 4. Condiciones de trabajo . 5. Derechos humanos . I. International Labour Office . II. Título.