
Responding to a changing investment environment

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Sega, Rich
Responding to a changing investment environment / Rich Sega
Sumario: Globally, insurance executives are managing several challenges at the same time: the current low interest rate environment, the prospect of rising rates, a changing regulatory environment. The recognition of risk in the investment process is evolving into broader conversations about managing enterprise risk and changing the way insurers think about their asset allocation. More than ever, insurance companies need to consider customised investment solutions that support their liabilities and optimise the three dimensions of risk, reward, and capital
En: Reactions. - London : Euromoney Institutional Investor PLC, 1981- = ISSN 0953-5640. - 01/09/2014 Special Report - septiembre 2014 , p. 6-7
1. Mercado de seguros . 2. Empresas de seguros . 3. Cambio organizativo . 4. Estrategia organizativa . 5. Modelos de negocio . 6. Externalización de servicios . 7. Gerencia de riesgos . 8. Política de inversiones . 9. Evolución del seguro . I. Título.