
Breaking the drought-starvation cycle

Recurso electrónico / electronic resource
Green, Meg
Breaking the drought-starvation cycle / Meg Green
Sumario: Five African nations turn to the African Risk Capacity, a parametric-based catastrophic insurance pool. After decades of relying on aid from outside governments and charities following drought-induced famines, the African Union in May 2014 turned to insurance, launching the first-ever African catastrophe insurance pool
En: Best's Review. - New Jersey : A.M. Best Company, 1976- = ISSN 1527-5914. - 05/01/2015 Volumen 115 Número 9 - enero 2015 , p. 16-17
1. Seguro de riesgos extraordinarios . 2. Catástrofes . 3. Mercado de seguros . 4. Pérdidas máximas por siniestros . 5. Cultivo agrícola . 6. Reaseguro internacional . 7. África . I. Título.