
The World's most admired companies

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The World's most admired companies
Sumario: Nobody can quantify the value of a good reputation. But nobody wants to lose one. Just ask Wells Fargo, whose practice of opening accounts without permission tarnished its formerly gleaming name, sending it plunging off Fortune's list of the World's Most Admired Companies this year. [Volkswagen and Chipotle suffered the same fate last year.] The happier news? Surging rankings for Microsoft, which tops an industry category for the first time since 2003, as well as for Facebook, Netflix, and Salesforce. A few companies, such as 3M and McDonald's, made their way back onto the All-Star list, proving that, though it may not be easy, it's possible to restore a reputation. — Ámbito geográfico: Internacional. — Ámbito geográfico: Internacional
En: Fortune. - Amsterdam : Time Warner Publishing, 1999- = ISSN 0738-5587. - 20/03/2017 Volumen 175 Número 3 - 1 marzo 2017 , p. 39-44
1. Reputación empresarial . 2. Imagen de marca . 3. Gestión de la marca . 4. Marketing estratégico . 5. Ranking .