
Model behavior : applications of artificial intelligence in actuarial science

Recurso electrónico / Electronic resource
Vadiveloo, Jay
Model behavior : applications of artificial intelligence in actuarial science / Jay Vadiveloo
Resumen: I recently attended a seminar on artificial intelligence (AI) by Ajay Agrawal, Ph.D. I think Agrawal's book, Prediction Machines: The Simple Economics of Artificial Intelligence (Harvard Business Review Press, 2018), is a must-read for any actuary who would like to get some understanding of the emerging world of artificial intelligence and how it can impact the work we do as actuaries
En: Contingencies : American Academy of Actuaries. - Washington : American Academy of Actuaries, 2019-2024. - 01/11/2019 Año 2019 - November-December , p. 20-25
1. Ciencias Actuariales y Financieras . 2. Inteligencia artificial . 3. Actuarios . 4. Machine learning . 5. Profesionales . 6. Business intelligence . I. Título.