
Asia Insurance Review. April 2020

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<title>Asia Insurance Review. April 2020</title>
<genre authority="marcgt">periodical</genre>
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<dateIssued encoding="marc">2020</dateIssued>
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<tableOfContents displayLabel="Contents">Event -cancellation insurance: Contingency planning / Ahmad Zaki -- COVID-19: Alesson learnt for marine insurers / Rama Chandran -- Switching motivation and moral hazard / Chun-Ting Llu, Jui-Yun Wu, Chi-Hung Chang -- Microinsurance in Asia / Farzana lsmall, Queenie Chow -- Maintaining agency in the face of the coronavirus investigates policyholders / Ahmad Zakl -- Agents and AI - fostering an alliance / Ridwan Abbas -- The pandemic threat to life insurers / Amir Sadiq -- Propelling India's economy through its maritime industry / Colin Fordham -- Is business prepared for the new normal of disruptions? / Tan Hian Hong -- Concerns over royal commission outcomes / Campbell Fuller -- Commercial property at risk from cyber attacks / Christopher Wallace -- Best practice makes perfect in claims / Paul Bloxsome -- Taking the long view of life reinsurance / Dion Russell -- The broker's job
just got tougher / Dalias Booth -- Translating data into business insight / Elayne Grace, Hoa Bul -- The regulator is now wide awake / Paul McNamara -- Investing in education / Prue Willsford -- Insurance on subscription: the future starrs here / Paul McNamara -- Cost of doing business will rise / Jaydon Burke-Douglas -- Asia's last frontier market
opens to the world / Jímmy John -- New dawn for reinsurance / Ranamita Chakraborty -- Meeting the training challenge / Jimmy John -- Narrowing the protection gap via technology / Akira Morita -- Turning crisis into opportunity / Vlncent Liu Llang -- Transformational execution is key to success for insurers / Phll Ratcllff -- Finding the optimum solution / Robin Loh -- India's InsurTech unicorn / Rldwan Abbas -- Where InsurTechs should be focused now / Amir Sadlq -- Diversity is key to successful business / Indian insurance can do with more foreign
investment / Anoop Khanna</tableOfContents>
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<title>Asia insurance review</title>
<publisher>Singapore : Ins Communications Pte Ltd., 2009-</publisher>
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<text>01/04/2020 Número 4 - abril 2020 , 78 p.</text>
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