
How general liability may cover biometric privacy claims

Recurso electrónio / Resource electronic
Seaman, Scott M.
How general liability may cover biometric privacy claims / Scott M. Seaman, Judith A. Selby, John E. De Lascio
Sumario: Several states, including Illinois, Texas, Arkansas, and Washington, have enacted privacy laws governing various types of biometric information, such as fingerprint, retina, and facial scans. The risks associated with the inadvertent disclosure and misuse of this type of information can be significant
En: Property Casualty 360º. - October 13, 2020 ; 6 p
1. Biometría . 2. Protección de la información . 3. Coberturas . 4. Riesgo tecnológico . 5. Reclamaciones . 6. Empresas de seguros . 7. Protección de datos . 8. Estados Unidos . I. Selby, Judith A. . II. Lascio, John E. De . III. Título.