
Building a better planet with satellite data

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<title>Building a better planet with satellite data</title>
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<abstract displayLabel="Summary">One of the world's largest constellations of satellites is operated not by a government but by a company that's been around for only a decade. Spire Global, founded in 2012 by current CEO Peter Platzer and two colleagues, has more than 100 satellites orbiting just above Earth's atmosphere. Platzer has been interested in space since his teenage years but took a circuitous route to the space industry: after spending a short time at the research organization CERN and at the Max Planck Institute, he worked as a consultant in Asia, attended business school, embarked on a Wall Street career, then went back to graduate school and interned at NASA. Today, Spire-which became a publicly traded company in August 2021-provides space-based data, analytics, and services to about 400 public- and private-sector entities. It has offices in Europe, North America, and Singapore and employs more than 350 people. McKinsey's Jannick Thomsen recently interviewed Platzer about the future of Spire and of the space industry more broadly. Spire focuses on listening satellites, which use a broad spectrum of radio frequencies to observe what is happening on Earth. The advantage is that you can use these satellites day and night, 24/7, in any weather conditions, across the entire planet</abstract>
<note type="statement of responsibility">Peter Platzer</note>
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<topic>Análisis de datos</topic>
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<partNumber>February 2022</partNumber>
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