
Best's Review noviembre 2022

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<abstract displayLabel="Summary">AM Best TV & Audio: Insurance Industry Can Help Others in Their ESG Journey, Scor Executive Says: Also, industry professionals discuss growth in Africa's reinsurance market and explore the robust international specialty market.

AM Best Webinars: Panel to Discuss the State of the Workers' Compensation Market: Professionals also discuss how insurers are readying for attitudinal shifts in the courtroom as well as how they can prepare for economic downturns.

App Store: App Uses Technology to Help Remove Barriers in Purchasing Insurance: Goose Insurance says insurance shopping shouldn't always fall on the shoulders of brokers and agents.

At Large: The Principles of Claims Transformation: Insurers must not derive a false sense of security if claims severities were mitigated amid the COVID-19 era.

Best's Rankings: Florida Homeowners Multi-Peril Filings by Rate Impact Greater Than 10%: Filings were based on a disposition date from Jan. 1 to Oct. 1, 2022.

Best's Rankings: Top 50 Global Reinsurers  2022 Edition: Reinsurers were ranked by unaffiliated gross premiums written in 2021.

Best's Rankings: US Homeowners Multiple Peril  2021 Top Writers  2022 Edition: Insurers ranked by 2021 direct premiums written.

Best's Rankings: US Homeowners Multiple Peril  Top Writers by State, Canada and US Territories  2021  2022 Edition: Insurers were ranked by 2021 direct premiums written.

Best's Rankings: US Property/Casualty  2021 Asset Distribution  2022 Edition: Insurers were ranked by 2021 total admitted assets.

Best's Rankings: US Workers' Compensation  2022 Edition: Insurers ranked by 2021 direct premiums written.

Book Store: Authors: Machine Learning, AI Offer New Opportunities in Risk Management: Risk professionals turn to machine learning and artificial intelligence to forecast the financial risks of extreme events.

Coastal Property: Insurance Leaders: Time to Better Protect, Shore Up Coastal Homeowners' Properties: States are suffering because of the lack of strong building codes and mapping, industry leaders say.

Coastal Property: Severe Weather in Coastal States Presents Big Challenges in Hardening Homeowners Market: While much attention is focused on Florida, storms have wreaked havoc on the property markets in other coastal states, particularly Louisiana, Texas and South Carolina.

Corporate Changes: Merger, Acquisitions and Ownership, Name and Domiciliary Changes: Assurant Life of Canada, Wichita National Life Insurance and Maison Insurance are among the North American life/health and property/casualty insurers that have experienced a corporate change.

Executive Changes: Hartford Announces Retirement of President Doug Elliot: SiriusPoint fills permanent chief executive officer spot, Allstate taps a new executive vice president and chief information officer and Axis Capital welcomes a new group chief underwriting officer.

From the Editor's Desk: The Road Less Taken: Insurers and Brokers Find Growth in Specialization: The November issue also includes coverage of developments with workers' compensation and homeowners insurance.

In the News: Mutual Miris to Provide Cyber Cover for European Members: As a European insurer, Miris said it can only accept members from the European Union and European Economic Area.

In the News: Regulatory Update: Rate hike for Citizens in Louisiana and workers' comp rate changes in Washington and Indiana.

Industry Updates: Industry Experts Say Litigated Claims Could Reshape Florida Market Again: Nationally, 9% of claims are filed in Florida, but 81% of litigated claims, or 107,000, originated in the state in 2021.

Industry Updates: New Orleans Saints Sue Insurers Over Unpaid Ida Claim: The team said the insurers had breached their contract and is seeking unspecified damages.

Insurance Professional Resources: The Challenges of Catastrophic Claims Handling: Additional coverage includes Marshall Dennehey's celebration of 60 years in the industry and the addition of three attorneys at Secrest Wardle.

Life Insurance: Rising Interest Rates Sure to Bring Shifts to In-Force Life and Annuity Products: With the Federal Reserve in an aggressive rate-raising mode for the first time in a decade, its moves could create a fault line between newly issued life and annuity products. After years of shifting to products that are less interest-sensitive, the industry may also see a move back the other way.

Preferred Publisher Program: In Other News ...: A roundup of news from publishers around the globe. Access to some sites may require registration or subscription.

Risk Adviser: Pot, Pans and the Internet: With new innovations come new risks. Here are three emerging hazards that should be on the radar for insurers and their customers.

Specialty Coverage: Making the Move From Generalist to Specialist: The old days of one person being able to deal with all of a customer's insurance needs have gone by the wayside.

Specialty Coverage: Prospecting for the Next Great Risk Opportunity: Underwriters need to think about how they invest time and capital in launching new products and searching for new opportunities.

Specialty Coverage: With Specialization Comes Responsibility: A panel of insurance experts says specialists are held to higher professional standardsand consumers expect to get what they pay for.

State Rate Filings: Insurers Submit Florida Homeowners Multiperil Filings in First Nine Months of 2022: See Best's Rankings list of Florida Homeowners Multi-Peril Filings by Rate Impact Greater Than 10%.

The Last Word: Putting a New Face on Reality: Deepfakes Raise Novel Challenges for Insurers: Artificially manipulated audio and video could soon present risks to insurers. Researchers are creating tools to better segregate real from artificial.

Trending: Best's Research: Trending Research Includes Reports on Six-Month 2022 US P/C and US Life/Annuity Financial Results: Other trending research includes reports on global reinsurance, U.S. surplus lines and U.S. personal auto.

Underwriting & Loss Control: Emerging Craft Brewing Industry Presents Unique Range of Risks: Best's Underwriting Reports and Best's Loss Control Reports provide insight into the lines of coverage, exposures and loss control for craft breweries, microbreweries and brewpubs.

Web Traffic: Visits to US Homeowners Multiperil Writers: Progressive leads web analytics provider Semrush's ranking of the top 10 U.S. Homeowners Multiperil Writers based on 2021 direct premiums written.

What AM Best Says: AM Best: Florida Specialists Cede a Growing Amount of Premium to Reinsurers: AM Best defines Florida personal property specialists as regional insurers domiciled in Florida with predominant exposures to Florida personal property insurance.

Workers' Compensation: Pie CEO Says $315 Million Fundraise Advances Expansion to Full-Stack Carrier: Pie distributes direct, through wholesale and retail agencies and via partnerships with payroll and small and medium-sized businesses.

Workers' Compensation: Top Workers' Comp Ranks See Movement Upon Emerging From COVID Unemployment Spike: Travelers Group and Hartford Insurance Group retain the No. 1 and No. 2 spots in a ranking of workers' compensation direct premiums written, according to AM Best research. See the Best's Rankings list of US Workers' Compensation  2022 Edition.</abstract>
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<text>14/11/2022 Volumen 123 Número 11 - noviembre 2022 </text>
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