
Supervisory statement on inflation

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Supervisory statement on inflation. — Luxembourg : European Insurance Occupational Pensions Authority, 2022
5 p.
Sumario: The Supervisory Statement addresses the main impacts of inflation on insurance and reinsurance undertakings, which may affect both life and non-life business.
It is issued to support the end of the year Solvency II calculations. The impact of the inflation is undertaking specific, and this Supervisory Statement aims mainly to raise awareness about the relevant Solvency II provisions. With regard to the proximity of the end of the year, this statement is issued to foster convergence and consistent supervisory approaches across Member States
1. Supervisión de seguros . 2. Inflación . 3. Impacto económico . 4. Solvencia II . 5. Provisiones técnicas . 6. Requerimientos financieros . 7. Unión Europea . I. EIOPA . II. Título.