
Fortune. February-March 2023

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<title>Fortune. February-March 2023</title>
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<dateIssued encoding="marc">2023</dateIssued>
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<abstract displayLabel="Summary">Gina Drosos, CEO of SIGNET Jewelers / Phil Wahba - The A.l. Meteor is coming, and We are not prepared / Alyson Shontell - Get Ready for the Mindset Shift of "Retro Capitalism" / Nick Lichtenberg - Steady Over Sexy Could Save Your Portfolio / Larry Light - The Great Tech-Job Reshuffle: The Newly Unemployed Are a Hot Commodity Elsewhere / Michael Lev-Ram - The True Cost of The Cartographer Success: Why is There Still a Stigma Around Women Executives Hiring Help? / Megan Leonhardt -- Thougha Crucial Tool in the Ukraine War. Telegram Remains an Iffy Business / Vivienne Walt - Feed the Pigs, Then Hit the Spa at These Luxe Farm Resorts / Adam Erace - Economic Exodus in the Americas / Nicolas Rapp and Matt Heimer - ChatGPT Creates an A.l. Frenzy / Jeremy Kahn, Michal Lev-Ram and Jessica Mathews -- It's Time to Talk About Male Mediocrity at Work / Ross McCammon -- Wall Street's Oil Stain / Jeffrey Rothfeder and Christopher Maag -- The World's Most Admired Companies / Matt Heimer and Scott Decarlo</abstract>
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<topic>Mercados financieros</topic>
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<topic>Perspectivas económicas</topic>
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<publisher>Amsterdam : Time Warner Publishing, 1999-</publisher>
<identifier type="issn">0738-5587</identifier>
<identifier type="local">MAP20077100192</identifier>
<text>01/03/2023 Volumen 187 Número 1 -  febrero/marzo 2023 , 90 p.</text>
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