
What every insurance leader should know about cloud : successful cloud migrations depend on knowing where the value for insurance lies

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<title>What every insurance leader should know about cloud</title>
<subTitle>: successful cloud migrations depend on knowing where the value for insurance lies</subTitle>
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<abstract displayLabel="Summary">The increasing use of digital tools and services, as well as the corresponding surge in data generated from digital interactions, has made technology a crucial competitive capability for insurance carriers. In that context, cloud has emerged as a generational opportunity, with leading carriers already using it to serve customers better, faster, and more efficiently. 
The most important thing to understand about cloud, however, is that it's not a more efficient way to operate IT, but a force multiplier for generating value for the business. This reality is why it is critical for business leaders, particularly business unit CEOs and business unit heads, to understand the value at stake and what it takes to capture it. Insurers that use the cloud effectively can unlock such desirable capabilities as providing omnichannel experiences for customers, developing a diverse portfolio of integrated services, and rolling out solutions at unprecedented speeds. Business unit CEOs understand the nuances of the business and have accountability for identifying and driving the change. They should therefore act as orchestrators of the cloud migration and coaches for the rest of the business leadership in setting bold aspirations and establishing the organizational model that enables the business to harness cloud's full value
<note type="statement of responsibility">Sanjay Kaniyar...[ et al.]</note>
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