
Self-driving vehicles : a winding road

Cardoso, Luís
Self-driving vehicles : a winding road / Luís Cardoso
Sumario: Thanks to technological progress over the past decades, self-driving, or autonomous vehicles (AV), which used to be science fiction on books and films, have become an ever more noticeable reality across the world. In this exclusive article , Luís Cardoso discusses the main advantages and challenges of adopting this technology, namely its impact in the insurance industry
En: Extra Cover. - 28 September 2023 ; 5 p
1. Sector automoción . 2. Seguro de automóviles . 3. Vehículos autónomos . 4. Seguro de responsabilidad civil . 5. Seguridad vial . 6. Accidentes de tráfico . 7. Gerencia de riesgos . I. Extra Cover . II. Título.