
Asia Insurance Review. March 2024

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<title>Asia Insurance Review. March 2024</title>
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<dateIssued encoding="marc">2024</dateIssued>
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<abstract displayLabel="Summary">Al: Opportunity or threat? -- Asian news. Australia: Actuaries support shift in superannuation policy focus to retirernent; South Korea: Affluent turn to insurance overseas, particularly HK; Asia: Japanese insurers rank among the top globally in environmental leadership; Pacific: Property rates stay fIat in 4Q2023, for first time in 26 quarters -- Bangladesh: Insurance sector may see liquidations and mergers; Singapore: MAS proposes to reduce customer info collected for some insurance products -- Risk news: New code of conduct for insurance market using Al; Insurers must adapt to energy transition; India: Self-reporting of mental health disorders les than 1%; Deepfake fraud and deglobalisation among new insurance risks; Bottled water contains more plastic particles than
previously estimated; Cyber insurance market growing dramatically - Reinsurance: Innovating insurance for a resilient future in Asia; Reinsurance is a very Good solution to have -- Insurance - general. Steering maritime disputestowards mediation; Closing the protection gap for rangers; View from India - Indians are ready to adopt motor telematics; Why vehicle telematics are still not mainstream - Insurance-linked securites:  Hard market opportunities for Hong Kong - Market profile- Japan: Building resilence - the 2023 IAIS anual conference in Tokyo; Japan life sector helps in shift from savings to investment; Expandings the role of Japanese life insurance; Japanese premium income boosted pent-up demand; Financial inclusión and customer-centricity in insurance; life insurers find stability; Insurers adapt to cope with ageing Japan; Recovering market brings back old challenges; Steady route for Japan´s reinsurance market in 2024 - Market spotlight- South Asia: Bangladesh industry thrives on favorable regulatory initiatives; Pakistan´s non-life insurance sector; Maldives infrastructure push to drive insurance segment; Economic growth bodes well for Bhutan insurance industry; Takaful offers valuable alternative risk mitigation fos South Asia - Australia: AI and the aggregation of risk - China Critical disease claims from young Chinese on the rise; A year in review: P&C and life highlights and 2024 forecast -- Insurance investment: Insurers adapt strategies to economic cycle -- Insurance asset management: Regulatory changes cause insurers to review investments - Notebook: Multi-dimensional insurance investments in Asia; Indonesia: Bancassurance can improve customer literacy -- Product bites
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<topic>Mercado de seguros</topic>
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<topic>Mercado inmobiliario</topic>
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<topic>Transición energética</topic>
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<topic>Salud mental</topic>
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<topic>Seguro de salud</topic>
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<topic>Seguro de ciberriesgos</topic>
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<classification authority="">219</classification>
<url displayLabel="electronic resource" usage="primary display">Al: Opportunity or threat? -- Asian news. Australia: Actuaries support shift in superannuation policy focus to retirernent; South Korea: Affluent turn to insurance overseas, particularly HK; Asia: Japanese insurers rank among the top globally in environmental leadership; Pacific: Property rates stay fIat in 4Q2023, for first time in 26 quarters</url>
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<title>Asia insurance review</title>
<publisher>Singapore : Ins Communications Pte Ltd., 2009-</publisher>
<identifier type="issn">0218-2696</identifier>
<identifier type="local">MAP20090003767</identifier>
<text>25/03/2024 Número 2 - marzo 2024 </text>
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