
The Actuary : the magazine of the Institute Faculty of Actuaries, Num. 11, April 2024

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<abstract displayLabel="Summary">Editorial. We pose some of the big questions facing actuaries; President and CEO comment Kalpana Shah and Ben Kemp praise actuarial innovation, past and present; IFoA news. The latest IFoA updates and events- plus membership survey results; News Focus. The 'planetary solvency' idea behind a new IFoA climate change paper -- Features. Interview: Fiona Dunsire The first female Government Actuary gives us the inside track on doing her job on behalf of the whole country; Data science: Mixed blessing. Brundha Krishnamoorthi assesses how mixture models fare at predicting claim counts; Life insurance: Great British Take Off. What will it take to truly unlock UK capital? Kyle Audley and Brandon Choong on the necessary reforms; Data science: The Bayesian revolution. Penny Drastik and Bradley Shearer discuss how to make your modelling more accessible to stakeholders; IFoA: A long life A tribute to the CMI's important history as it hits a century;  Pensions: An eye to the future What will the DB jobs space look like in 2040? Mark Williams predicts; General insurance: Are we the baddies? Has the insurer's role morphed in the modern world, asks Steven Fisher?; Data science: Efficiency modelIt's not just for modelling: data science can help us in all sorts of other ways, says Ralph Clayton;  Technology: The power of two How digital twins are revolutionising the insurance industry.; Data science: Blurring the boundaries. GLM, GBM, ANN, and a blend -different lost cost models tested -- At the Back. People and society news. News from the actuarial community, including celebrating David Wilkie; Extra-curricular Priya Shah, actuary and online 'travel content creator'; Soft skills: From hybrid to 'mybrid' Jenny Segal on how to embrace the push to return to the office; Student Insurers should work with climate innovators, argues Adeetya Tantia;  Puzzles; This month, continued on page 48 for a full page and a half of teasers
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