
How to avoid window pains

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Cohen, David M.
How to avoid window pains / by David M. Cohen and H. Harvey Cohen
Sumario: Windows are involved in more than a quarter of a million accidents each year. Here's how to make your home safe from unfortunate window incidents. because most window accidents involve broken glass, one thing to do is treat each window with a safety glazing that is resistant to breakage
En: Safety & health. - Chicago. - Vol. 145, nº 4, April 1992 ; p. 58-61
1. Seguridad doméstica . 2. Accidentes en el hogar . 3. Prevención de accidentes . 4. Ventanas . 5. Vidrio . 6. Resistencia de materiales . I. Cohen, Harvey H. . II. Título. III. Título: Safety & health.