
The Influence of different floor stiffness on mechanical efficiency of leg extensor muscle

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Bosco, Carmelo
The Influence of different floor stiffness on mechanical efficiency of leg extensor muscle / Carmelo Bosco, Raul Saggini and Atko Viru
Sumario: The mechanical behaviour of skeletal is influenced by internal factors (e.g. re-use of elastic energy) and external conditions (e.g. floor compliance, shoe structure, etc.). These factors have an effect on muscular work economy - this was investigated in the present study
En: Ergonomics. - London [etc.]. - Vol. 40 nº 6, June 1997 ; p. 670-679
1. Ergonomía . 2. Biomecánica . 3. Aparato locomotor . 4. Fisiología . 5. Extremidades inferiores . 6. Ejercicio físico . 7. Suelos . I. Saggini, Raul . II. Viru, Atko . III. Título.