
Physiological and subjective measures of workload when shovelling with a conventional and two-handled ("leveled") shovel

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Physiological and subjective measures of workload when shovelling with a conventional and two-handled ("leveled") shovel / R.S. Bridger... [et al.]
Previous studies have suggested that the two-handled (levered) shovel is advantageous over the conventional spade from a biomechanical point of view. The aim of this experiment was to determine whether less energy was consumed while shovelling a load of sand with this shovel compared to a conventional tool
En: Ergonomics. - London [etc.]. - Vol. 40, nº 11, November 1997 ; p. 1212-1219
1. Ergonomía . 2. Trabajo físico . 3. Agricultura . 4. Fisiología . 5. Condiciones de trabajo . 6. Biomecánica . 7. Energía . 8. Consumo de oxígeno . 9. Frecuencia cardíaca . I. Bridger, R.S. . II. Título.