
The Effect of surface coatings on fire growth over composite materials in a corner configuration

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Ohlemiller, T.J.
The Effect of surface coatings on fire growth over composite materials in a corner configuration / T.J. Ohlemiller, J.R. Shields
The present study focuses mainly on the ability of various commerical coatings to prevent flame spread. The second issue is examined briefly by applying thermocouples to the back surface of test specimens
En: Fire Safety Journal : the official journal of the International Association for Fire Safety Science. - Oxford : Elsevier Science. - Vol. 32 nº 2, March 1999 ; p. 173-193
1. Investigación sobre fuego . 2. Materiales de revestimiento . 3. Inflamabilidad . 4. Comportamiento de los materiales frente al fuego . 5. Resistencia al fuego . 6. Propagación de las llamas . 7. Reacción al fuego . I. Shields, J.R. . II. International Association for Fire Safety Science . III. Título.