
Off to a flying start

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Kramer, Nicola
Off to a flying start / Nicola Kramer
The second ARFF conference (Aircraft, Rescue and Firefighting conference) held in Harrogate (UK) on 20 and 21 October, provided a forum for those involved in aviation fire safety, training and operational procedures, and an opportunity for information exchange
En: Fire prevention. - London. - nº 327, December 1999 ; p. 14-15
1. Seguridad contra incendios . 2. Aviones . 3. Fuego . 4. Seguridad de ocupantes . 5. Equipos de extinción . 6. Terrorismo . 7. Conferencias . 8. Accidentes aéreos . 9. Gestión de la seguridad . I. Título.