
Challenges to insurance operations : open questions for CEOs

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Liedtke, Patrick M.
Challenges to insurance operations : open questions for CEOs / Patrick M. Liedtke; [ed.] The Geneva Association
CEOs preoccupations -- Profit and performance -- Pricing and power -- Capital and capacity -- Investment and income -- Competition and consolidation -- Distribution and "D" Internet -- Regulations and Ratings
En: General Information: Activities, news, subjects of special interest. Geneva: The Geneva Association, International Association for the Study of Insurance. - Nº 168, p 4-11
1. Seguros . 2. Operaciones de seguros . 3. Operaciones financieras . 4. Economía del seguro . 5. Chief Executive Officer . 6. Mercado de seguros . 7. Inversiones . 8. Distribución de seguros . 9. Internet . 10. Comercio electrónico . I. Embedded Finance & Super App Strategies . II. Título.