
Escaping the identity trap

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Título: Escaping the identity trap / Hamid Bouchikhi and John R. KimberlyAutor: Bouchikhi, Hamid
Notas: Organizations, like people, have essential natures defined by they formative experiences, their beliefs, their knowledge bases and their core competences. Attempts at change that are in conflict with this core identity are often domed to failure. Managers can learn to recognize such conflicts and initiate identity change to make their companies more adaptive. Registros relacionados: En: Sloan management review. - Boulder. - Spring 2003 ; p. 20-26Materia / lugar / evento: Estrategia empresarial Cultura empresarial Cambio estratégico Beneficios empresariales Actitud de los trabajadores Casos prácticos Otros autores: Kimberly, John R.
Títulos secundarios: Título: Sloan management review
Otras clasificaciones: 922.15
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