
Life assurance

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Sue Miller, Debra
Life assurance / Debra Sue Miller
The earlier that fire protection and life safety issues are addressed in a profect's life, the smoother will be the process. It is essential to consider fire safety throughour the lifetime of a building, from the initial stage, the design concept, through the design process, the development and integration of integral building systems and the construction, to the final inspection and testing stage. Th e maintenance of fire safety designs and systems must be considered during the remainder of the life cicle
En: Fire prevention. - London. - September 2003 ; p. 31-33
1. Seguridad contra incendios . 2. Instalaciones de seguridad contra incendios . 3. Sistemas de protección contra incendios . 4. Diseño de edificios . 5. Inspecciones de seguridad . 6. Protección de edificios . I. Título.