
The Dynamics of SARS : plotting the risk of epidemic disasters

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Ingram, David
The Dynamics of SARS : plotting the risk of epidemic disasters / David Ingram
In 2003, SARS (severe acute respiratory syndrome) seemed to come out of nowhere. The number of people infected increases at an alarming rate and many died. In the beginning the disease only took hold in Hong Kong,but it then quickly spread to Vietnan , Singapore and TAiwan. It was only them that China admitted that it had had a SARS problem for almost six months
En: Risk management. - New York. - nº 3, March 2004 ; p. 8-11
1. Epidemias . 2. Enfermedades infecciosas . 3. Virus . 4. Gerencia de riesgos . 5. Enfermedades respiratorias . I. Título. II. Título: Risk management.