
An Analysis of the effect of tax policy on health insurance purchases by risk group

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Ketsche, Patricia G.
An Analysis of the effect of tax policy on health insurance purchases by risk group / Patricia G. Ketsche
There is an extensive body of literature dealing with the welfare loss associated with generals levels of health insurance as a function of the tax subsidy. The theorical discussion in this study considers the effect of the tax subsidy on pooling within plans , and suggests the hypothesese that the tax subsidy have a disproportionately positive effect on the likelihood that a hight-risk worker will be eligible for and participate in employment based coverage, while the effect of the tax subsidy on plan generosity will be greatest for low-risk employees
En: The Journal of risk and insurance. - Orlando. - Volume 71, number 1, March 2004 ; p. 91-113
1. Seguros de empresas . 2. Seguro de enfermedad . 3. Trabajos con riesgo en solitario . 4. Tasa del riesgo . 5. Estados Unidos . I. Título. II. Título: The Journal of risk and insurance.