
Multimodal feedback : an assessment of performance and mental workload

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Vitense, H. S.
Multimodal feedback : an assessment of performance and mental workload / H.S. Vitense, J.A. Jacko, V.K. Emery
Multimodal interfaces offer great potential to humanize interactions with computers by employing a multitude of perceptual channels . This paper reports on a novel multimodal interface using auditory, haptic and visual feedback in a direct manipulation task to establish new recomendations for multimodal feedback, in particular uni-, bi- and trimodal feedback
En: Ergonomics. - London and Washington. - Vol. 46, nº 1-3, January 2003 ; p. 68-87
1. Hombre-máquina . 2. Ordenadores . 3. Interacción . 4. Interfaz . 5. Carga mental . I. Jacko, J.A. . II. Emery, V.K. . III. Título. IV. Título: Ergonomics.