
Preventing identity theft

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Lepofsky, Ron
Preventing identity theft / Ron Lepofsky
Identity thef is not just a problem for financial companies and people who let their personal data fall into the wrong hands, however. Identity theft can hurt any company that maintains personal information about employees and-or customers. Most corporations house personal information of their employees on their computer databases. As the kepper of these information, the duty to ensure its security falls onto the company. Failing to do can create enormous legal liability as well as reputation risk
En: Risk management. - New York. - nº 10, October 2004 ; p. 34-40
1. Protección de datos personales . 2. Delitos . 3. Confidencialidad de los datos . 4. Derecho a la intimidad . 5. Protección de datos . I. Título. II. Título: Risk management.