
The Role of private insurance in a society which prolongs the life cycle

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Marchionni, Fausto
The Role of private insurance in a society which prolongs the life cycle / by Fausto Marchionni
Throughout the European Union there is a general crisis of the welfare state, a phenomenon which is seeing by many as a very real change of identity for the traditional paradigm of the social state, leading to a new balance. Europe has very low birth rates and society's ageing process imposes the need for urgent measures for confronting what in the next decades could prove to be unsustainable problems for national states: the health-welfare service, and social security
En: European papers on the new welfare : the counter-ageing society. - Trieste, Geneva : The Risk Institute. - nº 4, February 2006 ; p. 118-125
1. Unión Europea . 2. Esperanza de vida . 3. Jubilación . 4. Seguridad Social . 5. Previsión privada . 6. Demografía . 7. Planes de pensiones . 8. Italia . 9. Envejecimiento de la población . 10. Reforma de la Seguridad Social . 11. Ageingnomics. Economia senior . I. Título.