
The Management of decumulation risks in a defined contribution pension plan

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Gerrard, Russell
The Management of decumulation risks in a defined contribution pension plan / Russell Gerrard, Steven Haberman and Elena Vigna
The aim of this study is to lay the theoretical foundations for the construction of a flexible tool that can be used by pensioners fo find optimal investment and consumption choices in the distribution phase of a defined contribution pension plan. The investment-consumption plan is adopted until the time of compulsory annuitization, taking into account the possibility of earlier death. The effect of the bequest motive and the desire to buy a higher annuity than the one purchasable at retirement are included in the objective function
En: North American Actuarial Journal. - Schaumburg, Illinois. - Vol. 10, nº 1, January 2006 ; p. 84-110
1. Cálculo actuarial . 2. Métodos actuariales . 3. Matemática financiera . 4. Matemática del seguro . 5. Fórmulas estadísticas . 6. Planes de pensiones . 7. Jubilación . I. Haberman, Steven . II. Vigna, Elena . III. Título.