
CO2 emissions in 2023 : a new record high, but is there light at the end of the tunnel?

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CO2 emissions in 2023 : a new record high, but is there light at the end of the tunnel?. — [Paris] : International Energy Agency, 2024
24 p.
Documento relacionado: CO2 emissions in 2022
CO2 Emissions in 2023 provides a complete picture of energy-related emissions in 2023. The report finds that clean energy growth has limited the rise in global emissions, with 2023 registering an increase of 1.1%. Weather effects and continued Covid-19 reopening played a significant role in driving emissions in 2023. Advanced economies saw a record decrease in their emissions, which are now back to the level of fifty years ago. This release brings together the IEA's latest analysis, combining the Agency's estimates of CO2 emissions from all energy sources and industrial processes. — Ámbito geográfico: Internacional
1. Emisiones de CO2 . 2. Gestión medioambiental . 3. Control de emisiones . 4. Gestión energética . 5. Política energética . 6. Energías limpias . 7. Política industrial . 8. Análisis de riesgos . I. International Energy Agency . II. Título.