
Sloan management review-Número 3 45 2004

Publicación: Sloan management review

Número: Número 3 45 2004

Tipo: Normal

Derechos: InC

Título Autor Páginas
Contraria : in praise of walls : don't assume that the "death of distance" brought about by new communication technologies will mean the death of the company as we know it
Offshoring without guilt Venkat Venkatraman, N. P. 14-16
In practice : do you have too much IT? : the experience of Zara, a successful Spanish clothing retailer, shows that when it comes to IT spending, less is often more
Fieldwork : the innovation subsidy : seeking high reward for high risk may be glamorous, but the dominant innovation challenge for the firm may be finding others to pay for it and mitigating the risk
Opinion : new ways to evaluate innovative ventures : measuring learning instead of short-term results is key
Achieving deep customer focus Vandermerwe, Sandra P. 26-34
Strategic management of intellectual property : intellectual property now makes up a large proportion of many companies' market value, and IP management can no longer be left to technology or legal departments alone
Best practices in IT portfolio management : most organizations struggle to demonstrate business gains from investments in information technology. New research reveals a portfolio management approach that delivers tangible results
When CEOs step up to fail : incoming CEOs at major companies are increasingly flaming out early in their tenures. But the blame for these costly and puzzling derailments cannot be placed solely on their shoulders
Using supplier networks to learn faster : many companies keep their suppliers at arm's length, but sharing valuable knowledge with them through organized networks can be sustainable source of competitive advantage
The hidden costs of organizational dishonesty : companies that engage in unethical practices face consequences far more harmful than is traditionally recognized. The resulting damage can easily outweigh the short-term gains
The evolution of the design-inspired enterprise : a focus on design - which translates to a focus on customers' true needs and unarticulated aspirations - ultimately creates better-informed, more nimble companies
Games managers play at budget time : managers in need of capital for their operations can subvert even the best-designed budgeting processes. Executives must learn to identify their tactics and change the game
Leading at the enterprise level Ready, Douglas A P. 87-91