
Insurance post. November 2021

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<title>Insurance post. November 2021</title>
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<abstract displayLabel="Summary">Analysis: What next for the CII? -- Analysis: Mind the gender health insurance gap -- Ageas' Adam Beckett on normal -- Gallagher's Neil Hodgson on supply chain risks -- Roundtable: Improving quote conversion, retention and profitability in the personal lines market -- Interview: Steve McGill, McGill and Partners -- Spotlight: Digital culture  Adapting and evolving to maximise the potential of automation in underwriting -- Spotlight: Digital culture  Claims - the genesis for digital transformation and cultural change -- Spotlight: Digital culture - Collaboration and innovation to fill the digital skills gap in insurance -- Top 30 Asia Insurers 2021: Resilience under pressure -- Spotlight: Application fraud - Intelligence and a united front bring progress -- 
Spotlight: Application fraud - Ghost busting  email intelligence can help combat insurance application fraud </abstract>
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<title>Insurance post</title>
<publisher>London : Infopro Digital Insurance Information , 2016-2022</publisher>
<identifier type="local">MAP20170035732</identifier>
<text>01/11/2021 Año 2021 Número 11 - noviembre , 62 p.</text>
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