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Demographics, megatrends and risk management

Demographics, megatrends and risk management
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Brady Young, J.
Demographics, megatrends and risk management / J. Brady Young. — [S.l.] : Tillinghast - Towers Perrin, 1991
[10 p.] ; 30 cm.
Donación de AGERS. — Transparencias de la conferencia
Sumario: Future risk managers will be -- Typical concerns of risk and insurance managers -- Risk management -- Other megatrends affecting organisations -- The risk management implications of demographic changes will be significant -- Industries likely to be more affected by risks resulting from demographic changes -- Demographic changes in combination with other megatrends will result in -- To "add value" risk managers must
1. Gerencia de riesgos . 2. Industrias . 3. Análisis demográfico . 4. Conferencias . 5. Evaluación de riesgos . 6. Documento AGERS . I. Tillinghast - Towers Perrin . II. Título.