Pesquisa de referências

Managing risk at the Tucson sector of the U.S. Border Patrol

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<title>Managing risk at the Tucson sector of the U.S. Border Patrol</title>
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<namePart>Levine, E. S.</namePart>
<genre authority="marcgt">periodical</genre>
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<dateIssued encoding="marc">2013</dateIssued>
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<abstract displayLabel="Summary">This article describes a risk analysis used to inform resource allocation at the Tucson Sector of the U.S. Border Patrol, the busiest sector for alien and drug trafficking along the Southwest land border with Mexico. The model and methodology that underlie this analysis are generally applicable to many resource allocation decisions regarding the management of frequently occurring hazards, decisions regularly made by officials at all levels of the homeland security enterprise. The analysis was executed by agents without previous risk expertise working under a short time frame, and the findings from the analysis were used to inform several resource allocation decisions.</abstract>
<note type="statement of responsibility">E. S. Levine, Julie F. Waters</note>
<classification authority="">7</classification>
<url displayLabel="MÁS INFORMACIÓN" usage="primary display"></url>
<relatedItem type="host">
<title>Risk analysis : an international journal</title>
<publisher>McLean, Virginia : Society for Risk Analysis, 1987-2015</publisher>
<identifier type="issn">0272-4332</identifier>
<identifier type="local">MAP20077000345</identifier>
<text>01/07/2013 Volumen 33 Número 7 - julio 2013 </text>
<recordContentSource authority="marcorg">MAP</recordContentSource>
<recordCreationDate encoding="marc">130906</recordCreationDate>
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