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South Asia : a commonwealth of reinsurers emerging

Recurso electrónico / Electronic resource
John, Jimmy
South Asia : a commonwealth of reinsurers emerging / Jimmy John
Sumario: South Asia has, over the past three years, seen a number of reinsurers set up shop and a few more are on the anvil in the reglón that is considered one of the fastest growing in the world in terms of size and economic growth. We speak to sorne key players in the región to find out their plans and strategies to stay competitive in this "abundant­capacity-Iow-rates" scenario
En: Asia insurance review. - Singapore : Ins Communications Pte Ltd., 2009- = ISSN 0218-2696. - 03/10/2016 Número 10 - octubre 2016 , p. 56-58
1. Mercado de reaseguros . 2. Empresas de reaseguros . 3. Mercados emergentes . 4. Crecimiento económico . 5. India . I. Título.