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Risk uprising : navigating today's political turmoil

Recurso electrónico / Electronic resource
Hodge, Neil
Risk uprising : navigating today's political turmoil / Neil Hodge
Sumario: IN MARCH 2 0 16, the Economist Imelligence Unit rated the possibility of a Donald Trump presidency as one of the top ro risks facing the world-riskier even than the U.K. leaving rhe European Union, and justas unlikely. Judging impact and probability on a scale of one to 2.5, with 25 considered the most dangerous, the analysis rated the possibility of a Trump victory a I2- the same level of risk as "jihadi terrorism destabilizing the global economy" and slighdy higher than Brexit and an armed clash in the South China Sea, both of which it gave an eight.
En: Risk Management Magazine. - New York : Risk and Insurance Management Society, 1982- = ISSN 0035-5593. - 01/05/2017 Volumen 64 Número 5 - mayo 2017 , p. 20-23
1. Gerencia de riesgos . 2. Riesgo político . I. Título.