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Product Matters! Issue 109 February 2018

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<title>Product Matters! Issue 109 February 2018</title>
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<tableOfContents displayLabel="Contents">Indexed Variable Annuities: The Next Product Frontier for the U.S. Annuity Market / Simpa Baiye, Robert Humphreys and David Knipe -- SPIA Interest Rates in VM- 22 for Stat Reserves / Paul Hance and Heather Gordon  -- The Impact of a Changing Smoking Rate on Population- Level Mortality Improvement / Marc Vincelli -- Predictive Modeling for Life Insurance Ways Life Insurers Can Participate in the Business Analytics Revolution -- Highlights of Sessions at the 2017 SOA Annual Meeting & Exhibit / Kurt A. Guske, Donna Megregian and John Timmerberg </tableOfContents>
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<title>Product Matters!</title>
<publisher>Illinois (Estados Unidos) : Society of Actuaries</publisher>
<identifier type="local">MAP20180005275</identifier>
<text>05/02/2018 Número 109 - febrero 2018 </text>
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