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National underwriter property casualty Volumen 122 Número 11 - noviembre 2018

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<title>National underwriter property casualty Volumen 122 Número 11 - noviembre 2018</title>
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<tableOfContents displayLabel="Contents">Farewell, but not goodbye / Shawn Moynihan -- Coastal woes: hurricane Michael -- Major M&A -- Homeowners' coverage: who's liable? -- NU essentials: month's top-tier news events -- People on the move -- Navigating 3-D printing risks: here are 10 questions insurance agents and brokers should ask their clients about additive manufacturing / Troy R. Bickerstaff -- Municipalities & government:
new targets for cyber criminals / Thom Rickert -- Workplace wearables: wearable technology presents an opportunity for insurance agents, brokers and carriers to forge valuable partnetships with clients / Haytham Elhawary -- Sky-scraping: construction insurance market leaders continue to enjoy double-digit growth, but thoughtful risk selection remains paramount / Elana Ashanti Jefferson -- What's next: how can the brokers' comp industry effectively manage change as technology and the workforce evolve? / Kimberly George, Mark Walls -- Colums</tableOfContents>
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<topic>Mercado de seguros</topic>
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<title>National Underwriter Property Casualty</title>
<publisher> Erlanger, KY : The National Underwriter Co, 2018-</publisher>
<identifier type="issn">1042-6841</identifier>
<identifier type="local">MAP20180020186</identifier>
<text>05/11/2018 Volumen 122 Número 11 - noviembre 2018 , p. 1-44</text>
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