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Kill or cure : the best medicine?

Recurso electrónico / Electronic resource
Edwards, Matthew
Kill or cure : the best medicine? / Matthew Edwards
Sumario: One sometimes finds what one is not looking for, said Sir Alexander Fleming, the discoverer of penicillin, referring to his detection of this first major antibiotic while engaged in research on bacterial behaviour. The serendipity was extraordinary the discovery only occurred thanks to a bizarre combination of circunstances, including the research engaged in by the laboratory downstairs, Fleming absent-mindedly leaving a petri dish outside the incubator, its non-disturbance while he went on holiday, and a sequence of unusually cool days followed by warm ones. This is why penicillin had to be rediscovered' 10 years later by Harold Florey and Ernst Chain in Oxford. Since that discovery, followed by the development of mass production techniques and the identification of many other antibiotics, we have come to take for granted that all infections can be successfully treated if diagnosed in time
En: The Actuary : the magazine of the Institute & Faculty of Actuaries. - London : Redactive Publishing, 2019-. - 02/12/2019 Número 11 - december 2019 , p. 24-27
1. Modelo de Markov . 2. Cálculo actuarial . 3. Antibióticos . 4. Investigación científica . 5. Riesgo sanitario . 6. Modelos actuariales . I. Título.