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Fundación MAPFRE magazine nº 43. June 2018 (English)

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<title>Fundación MAPFRE magazine nº 43. June 2018 (English)</title>
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<abstract displayLabel="Summary">Dr. David Mooney: It feels great to be able to help people, despite the seriousness of the illness -- Shomei Tomatsu -- Picasso and Miró, The Flesh and the Spirit Fundación MAPFRE collections -- Interview for Peter Galassi Photography always transforms what it describes -- Tonti and the tontines -- Social Innovation to change the world -- Health, genes or habits? -- We salute social commitment -- Why, how and where accidents occur -- Stop cyberbullying -- The Santa Fe effect -- Participating in Fundación MAPFRE's volunteering program helps you be a better person </abstract>
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<title>La Fundación : revista de Fundación MAPFRE</title>
<publisher>Madrid : Fundación MAPFRE, 2008-2022</publisher>
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<text>26/06/2018 Número 43 - junio Año 2018 </text>
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