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Intelligent Insurer review. November 2021

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<title>Intelligent Insurer review. November 2021</title>
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<tableOfContents displayLabel="Contents">Missing: one crystal ball: The industry is clearly entering a new era in the way it assesses and considers risk -- TigerRisk: Managing clients and growth: competing in an oligopoly -- Hard choices over flooding: Secondary perils in the balance at 1.1 renewals -- Environmental protesters find a willing crowd: The focus on ESG issues is not diminishing, only intensifying -- New and improved data needed:  interview: Danile Knusli, Swiss Re -- Rate momentum continues: talk of price increases at 1.1 is widespread, says Forgeron -- APCIA 2021: The US re/insurance industry gathered at the Sheraton Hotel in Denver -- RMS: RMS has published a whitepaper addressing how 9/11 changed the insurance industry's view of terrorism risk -- Effective risk management is essential for resilience: FERMA president Dirk Wegener outlines the way forward -- Cover Genius: The future of insurance distribution is embedded, says CEO McDonald -- Verisk Underwriting: Improve the use of data and risk analysis to help insurers make the best decisions: Verisk's Tom Payne </tableOfContents>
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<title>Intelligent Insurer review</title>
<publisher>Woolsthorpe-by-Colsterworth [United Kingdom] : Newton Media Limited, 2009-2023</publisher>
<identifier type="local">MAP20110060480</identifier>
<text>26/11/2021 Número 11 - 2021 </text>
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