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Perceptions of a good life for the oldest old living at home

Perceptions of a good life for the oldest old living at home / Ariel Almevall...[et al.]
Sumario: An increasing number of people are growing older and living longer in their homes. This study aims to describe key stakeholders' (politicians, managers, and professionals) perceptions of a good life for single-living oldest old persons living at home with extensive needs for support. Interviews with stakeholders were analysed with content analysis
En: International Journal of Ageing and Later Life (IJAL) . - Los Angeles, CA : Scientific Research Publishing, 2021-2022 = ISSN 1652-8670. - 18/11/2022 Volumen 16 Números 1 y 2 - 2022 , p. 25-48
1. Envejecimiento de la población . 2. Personas mayores . 3. Calidad de vida . 4. Análisis demográfico . 5. Salud . I. Almevall, Ariel . II. Título.