MAP20070034786Foreign investment in Latin America and the Caribbean : 1999 report / Economic Commision for Latin America and the Caribbean. — Santiago de Chile : CEPAL, 2000208 p. ; 28 cmRegional overview: recent trends in net foreign direct investment (FDI) flows to Latin America and the Caribbean; Strategies, agents and modalities of foreign direct investment in Latin America and the Caribbean; Examples of new nationl strategies in Latin America to foreign direct investment -- Mexico: inward foreign direct investment and corporate strategies: Foreign capital in the Mexican economy; Transnational corporate strategies in Mexico; Conclusion: the contribution of foreign direct investment to the Mexican economy -- Spain: foreign investment and corporate strategies in Latin American and the Caribbean: Direct investment by Spanish firms in Latin America and the Caribbean; Main focal points of Spanish investment in Latin America and the Caribbean; conclusion -- The apparel industry: foreign investment and corporate strategies in Latin America and the Caribbean: the restructuring of the United States apparel market; the impact of national policy in the United States; Nafta: creating differences between Mexico and the Caribbean basin countries; conclusions