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Mortality and incidence of cancer among sewage workers : a retrospective cohort study

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Friis, Lennart
Mortality and incidence of cancer among sewage workers : a retrospective cohort study / Lennart Friis, Christer Edling, Lars Hagmar
Sumario: To study the incidence of and mortality from cancer among sewage workers a retrospective analysis was performed on a cohort of 656 men employed for at least one year at any one of 17 Swedish sewage plants during the years 1965-86. Assessment of exposure was done by classification of work tasks. Lower than expected total mortality and cardiovascular mortality was found. This was interpreted as a result of the healthy worker effect. For all cancers combined the mortality and morbidity were comparable with those of the general population. There were increased incidences for brain tumours, gastric cancers, and renal cancers
En: British journal of industrial medicine. - London and Margate. - nº 7, July 1993 ; p. 653-657
1. Medicina laboral . 2. Enfermedades profesionales . 3. Aguas residuales . 4. Depuradoras . 5. Depuración de aguas . 6. Cáncer . 7. Enfermedades cardiovasculares . 8. Mortalidad . 9. Epidemiología . I. Edling, Christer . II. Hagmar, Lars . III. Título. IV. Título: British journal of industrial medicine.