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Exposure to styrene and health complaints in the Dutch glass-reinforced plastics industry

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Exposure to styrene and health complaints in the Dutch glass-reinforced plastics industry / R.B.M. Geuskens... [et al.]
Sumario: A study of the health hazards for workers exposed to styrene in the Dutch glass-reinforced plastics industry was undertaken. The open mould techniques of filament winding, spraying and hand laminating were chosen for study because exposure of workers using them was expected to be high. Occupational hygiene surveys were conducted in four plants. The results show that although most of the plants had implemented control measures such as ventilation and extraction, the levels of exposure constituted a health risk. To reduce exposure to below 105 mg m exp.(-3), control measures should combine engineering with codes of practice adopted to the particular process or processes employed
En: The Annals of occupational hygiene. - Oxford [etc.]. - nº 1, February 1992 ; p. 47-57
1. Higiene industrial . 2. Contaminantes químicos . 3. Estireno . 4. Riesgo laboral . 5. Medicina laboral . 6. Metabolismo . 7. Enfermedades profesionales . 8. Epidemiología . 9. Contaminación atmosférica . 10. Muestreos . 11. Industria del plástico . 12. Holanda . I. Geuskens, R.B.M. . II. Título. III. Título: The Annals of occupational hygiene.