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Effects of high visual taskload on the behaviours involved in complex monitoring

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Thackray, Richard I.
Effects of high visual taskload on the behaviours involved in complex monitoring / Richard I. Thackray and R. Mark Touchstone
Sumario: A simulated air traffic control task was used to study the effects of prolonged monitoring on some of the behaviours (complex discriminations, interpretations, decisions, memory for actions taken) frequently associated with operational monitoring tasks, but seldom examined in laboratory vigilance studies
En: Ergonomics. - London and Washington. - Vol. 32, nº 1, January 1989 ; p. 27-38
1. Ergonomía . 2. Error humano . 3. Controladores aéreos . 4. Comportamiento humano . 5. Cognición . 6. Automatización . 7. Análisis de fallos . I. Touchstone, R. Mark . II. Título. III. Título: Ergonomics.