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Prediction and measurement of velocity into flanged slot hoods

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Conroy, Lorraine M.
Prediction and measurement of velocity into flanged slot hoods / Lorraine M. Conroy, Michael J. Ellenbecker and Michael R. Flynn
Sumario: A model describing the three-dimensional velocity field into a flanged slot hood has been developed using potential flow theory. Modeling the slot as an eliptical aperture allows use of the potential function to develop expressions for the velocity components (vx,vy,vz) at any point (x,y,z). Experiments were performed to measure velocities in front of six slot hoods. experimental results were compared with velocities predicted by two models: an equal area ellipse with the same length to width ratio as the slot and an ellipse inscribed within the slot
En: American Industrial Hygiene Association journal. - Akron, Ohio. - Vol. 49, nº 5, May 19898; p. 226-234
1. Higiene industrial . 2. Contaminación atmosférica . 3. Contaminantes químicos . 4. Aire . 5. Velocidad de propagación . 6. Ecuaciones matemáticas . 7. Campanas de extracción . 8. Modelos matemáticos . 9. Sistemas de ventilación . I. Ellenbecker, Michael J. . II. Flynn, Michael R. . III. Título. IV. Título: American Industrial Hygiene Association journal.