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Too old to learn?

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Coutu, Diane L.
Too old to learn? / by Diane L. Coutu
Senior executives at Armor Coat Insurance knew they had to become Web savvy to compete. But did they have the confidence -and the humility- to be mentored by 20-somethings? The article goes throuhg some common problems that information based economy, age diference and young employes mentoring the olders, may couse in orgnisations. Six commentators offer their advice on the subject, focussing on sharing knowledge, collaboration and functional groups
En: Harvard business review. - Boston. - November-December 2000 ; p. 37-52
1. Directivos de empresas . 2. Habilidades directivas . 3. Nuevas tecnologías . 4. Formación . 5. Transmisión de información . 6. Inteligencia emocional . 7. Grupos de trabajo . 8. Casos prácticos . I. Título.