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Leadership in a Combat Zone

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Pagonis, William G.
Leadership in a Combat Zone / by William G. Pagonis
Sumario: Pagonis, a lieutenant general in the U.S. Army when he wrote this piece, recounts the tale of how he ignored his commander and plunged into a withering cross fire to rescue a group of stranded soldiers. But the roots of Pagonis's philosophy of leadership go back much further, to his native city, where he developed a powerful capacity for empathy. Leaders who send their people out to do battle in the business world have much to learn from Patagonis. Above all, they can learn from the general's ability to see the world from the foot soldier's point of view even as he surveys the big picture
En: Harvard business review. - Boston. - December 2001 ; p. 107-116
1. Liderazgo . 2. Directivos de empresas . 3. Habilidades directivas . 4. Dirección de recursos humanos . I. Título. II. Título: Harvard business review.