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U.S. firefighter injuries of 2000

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Karter, Michael J.
U.S. firefighter injuries of 2000 / Michael J. Karter & Stephen G. Badger
Injuries by population and region -- Improving firefighter safety -- Footnote -- Incidents: Texas (trapped fire captain and rescuer burned); California (firefighter disoriented during flashover); Pennsylvania (fire chief shocked battling chimney fire); Dalaware (assistant fire chief injured evacuating); New York (blaze traps firefighter); California (firefighter suffers smoke inhalation)
En: NFPA Journal. - Quincy, Massachusetts. - November-December 2001 ; p. 49-54
1. Seguridad contra incendios . 2. Estados Unidos . 3. Siniestros de incendio . 4. Estadísticas . I. Badger, Stephen G. . II. Título. III. Título: NFPA Journal.